Class GenericDatum

GenericDatum which can hold any Avro type. The datum has a type and a value.

class GenericDatum ;

The type is one of the Avro data types. The D type for value corresponds to the Avro type. - An avro null corresponds to no D type. It is illegal to try to access values for null. - Avro boolean maps to D bool - Avro int maps to D int. - Avro long maps to D long. - Avro float maps to D float. - Avro double maps to D double. - Avro string maps to D string. - Avro bytes maps to D ubyte[]. - Avro fixed maps to D class GenericFixed. - Avro enum maps to D class GenericEnum. - Avro array maps to D class GenericArray. - Avro map maps to D class GenericMap. - There is no D type corresponding to Avro union. The object should have the D type corresponding to one of the constituent types of the union.

Each GenericDatum holds a value which is set using the .setValue(T)(T val) method and retrieved via the `.getValue!T() method. Because a GenericDatum can store any type, the caller must provide the desired type while calling .getValue!T(), and this type must match the type of the schema.

  Schema schema = parser.parseText(q"EOS
{"namespace": "example.avro",
 "type": "record",
 "name": "User",
 "fields": [
     {"name": "name", "type": "string"},
     {"name": "favorite_number", "type": ["int", "null"]},
     {"name": "scores", "type": {"type": "array", "items": "float"}},
     {"name": "m", "type": {"type": "map", "values": "long"}}

   // Initializes the GenericDatum according to the schema with default values.
   GenericDatum datum = new GenericDatum(schema);
   assert(datum.getType == Type.RECORD);

   // Primitive values can be set and retrieved.

   // Convenience shortcut using opIndex() and opAssign() for primitive types.
   datum["name"] = "bob";

   assert(datum["name"].getValue!string == "bob");

   // Unions have convenience functions directly on GenericData.
   assert(datum["favorite_number"].getUnionIndex() == 0);

   // Arrays also have convenience functions.
   datum["scores"] ~= 1.23f;
   datum["scores"] ~= 4.56f;
   assert(datum["scores"].length == 2);

   // Maps do as well.
   datum["m"]["m1"] = 10L;
   datum["m"]["m2"] = 20L;
   assert(datum["m"]["m1"].getValue!long == 10L);


this () Makes a new NULL GenericDatum.
this (val) A constructor allowing GenericDatum to be created for primitive schemas from D equivalents.


getUnionIndex () Returns the index of the current branch, if this is a union.
getValue () Returns the value held by this datum.
isUnion () Returns true if an only if this datum is a union.
length () A shortcut for .getValue!(GenericType).getValue().length where GenericType is one of GenericArray or GenericMap.
opAssign (val) Sets the value of the GenericDatum to a value corresponding with its type.
opCast () Implementing opCast allows values to be retrieved using
opIndex (name) For records/maps, looks up a record with name.
opIndexAssign (val, name) For records/maps, assign a value to a given key.
opIndexAssign (val, idx) For arrays, assign a value to a given index.
setUnionIndex (branch) Selects a new branch in the union if this is a union.
setValue (val) Sets the value of the GenericDatum to a value corresponding with its type.