Class Schema

An Avro Schema is one of the following: - A JSON string, matching a defined type like "int", "string", or another Schema's name. - A JSON object, of the form {"type": "typeName", ...attributes...}. - A JSON array of type names like ["null", "string"], representing a union where values adhering to the schema may be one of the listed types.

class Schema ;

It should be noted that certain types can contain schemas via their attributes, making a Schema a tree-like structure with each Schema having potential nested schemas.


addAlias (name, namespace) If this is a record, enum, or fixed, add an alias.
createPrimitive (type) Creates a schema given a primitive type.
getAliases () If this is a record, enum, or fixed, return its aliases, if any.
getDoc () If this is a record, enum, or fixed, returns its docstring, if available. Otherwise, returns null.
getElementSchema () If this is an array, returns its element type.
getEnumDefault () If this is an enum, return its default value.
getEnumOrdinal (symbol) If this is an enum, return a symbol's ordinal value.
getEnumSymbols () If this is an enum, return its symbols.
getField (fieldName) If this is a record, returns the Field with the given name [fieldName]. If there is no field by that name, a [null] is returned.
getFields () If this is a record, returns the fields in it. The returned list is in the order of their positions.
getFixedSize () If this is fixed, returns its size.
getFullname () If this is a record, enum or fixed, returns its namespace-qualified name, otherwise returns the name of the primitive type.
getIndexNamed (name) If this is a union, return the branch with the provided full name.
getLogicalType () Return the logical type, which can be combined with a type for special interpretation, like a timestamp or a date.
getName () If this is a record, enum, or fixed, return its name, otherwise return the name of the primitive type.
getNamespace () If this is a record, enum or fixed, returns its namespace, if any.
getType () Return the type of this schema.
getTypes () If this is a union, returns its types.
getValueSchema () If this is a map, returns its value type.
hasEnumSymbol (symbol) If this is an enum, returns true if it contains given symbol.
isError () Indicates whether the schema is a both a record an an error type in a protocol.
setFields (fields) If this is a record, set its fields. The fields can be set only once in a schema.
toString () Creates a textual representation of a Schema in JSON.

See Also