Class VertexIdEdgeVectorShape

An S2Shape used to represent the entire collection of S2Builder input edges. Vertices are specified as indices into a vertex vector to save space.

class VertexIdEdgeVectorShape
  : S2Shape ;


this (edges, vertices) Requires that "edges" is constant for the lifetime of this object.


chain (chain_id) Returns the range of edge ids corresponding to the given edge chain. The edge chains must form contiguous, non-overlapping ranges that cover the entire range of edge ids. This is spelled out more formally below:
chainEdge (chain_id, offset) Returns the edge at offset "offset" within edge chain "chain_id". Equivalent to "shape.edge(shape.chain(chain_id).start + offset)" but may be more efficient.
chainPosition (edge_id) Finds the chain containing the given edge, and returns the position of that edge as a (chain_id, offset) pair.
dimension () Returns the dimension of the geometry represented by this shape.
edge (edge_id) Returns the endpoints of the given edge id.
getReferencePoint () Returns an arbitrary point P along with a boolean indicating whether P is contained by the shape. (The boolean value must be false for shapes that do not have an interior.)
hasInterior () Convenience function that returns true if this shape has an interior.
id () A unique id assigned to this shape by S2ShapeIndex. Shape ids are assigned sequentially starting from 0 in the order shapes are added.
numChains () Returns the number of contiguous edge chains in the shape. For example, a shape whose edges are [AB, BC, CD, AE, EF] would consist of two chains (AB,BC,CD and AE,EF). Every chain is assigned a "chain id" numbered sequentially starting from zero.
numEdges () Returns the number of edges in this shape. Edges have ids ranging from 0 to num_edges() - 1.
userData () Virtual methods that return pointers of your choice.

Inner structs

Chain A range of edge ids corresponding to a chain of zero or more connected edges, specified as a (start, length) pair. The chain is defined to consist of edge ids {start, start + 1, ..., start + length - 1}.
ChainPosition The position of an edge within a given edge chain, specified as a (chain_id, offset) pair. Chains are numbered sequentially starting from zero, and offsets are measured from the start of each chain.
Edge An edge, consisting of two vertices "v0" and "v1". Zero-length edges are allowed, and can be used to represent points.
ReferencePoint A ReferencePoint consists of a point P and a boolean indicating whether P is contained by a particular shape.