DenseHashSet.this - multiple declarations

Function DenseHashSet.this

Basic constructor.

this (
  size_t expected_max_items_in_table,
  HashFcn hashFcn,
  EqualKey equalKey

Function DenseHashSet.this

A constructor based on interators which provide the values to add to the set. With a DenseHashSet, the key and value types used for the DenseHashTable are the same.

this(InputIterator) (
  InputIterator f,
  InputIterator l,
  Value empty_key_val,
  size_t expected_max_items_in_table,
  HashFcn hashFcn,
  EqualKey equalKey
if (is(typeof(*InputIterator.init) : Value));


InputIterator Compile-time type parameter of the iterators that support the "*" operator.
f Iterator for the first value.
l Iterator for the last value.
empty_key_val An unused value that can be used to represent an "empty" hash slot.
expected_max_items_in_table Sets an initial size to help avoid additional memory allocations.
hashFcn A function for computin the hash of Value.
equalKey A function to determine if two Values are equal.